DPMG Approach
Our Approach is to look at each client’s organization holistically by utilizing a wide range of methodologies, tools, and techniques to provide services to our clients. Each one customized for our client’s industry and culture.
But more importantly, our approach is to work closely with a core team of your key employees to achieve results. We believe that the only way to truly create a culture of continuous improvement is to work with your staff to design and embed a culture of constant innovation. Failure to engage with your staff only leads to short term gains and never-ending cycles of massive change interventions.
We appreciate that certain stakeholders are critical to the success of any change activity, so we have developed an approach where we take the time to understand our key stakeholders and develop a plan to keep them engaged and supportive. We identify key stakeholders, analyze their level of engagement and influence, develop a strategy that enables them to participate, and create a clear communications plan.
To compete in today’s progressive economy a business must continuously improve its performance. Improved performance alone, however, is not enough: improvement must be sustained and the personnel within the organization fully engaged.
In this new normal we understand the biggest challenge most organizations face today is doing more with what they have or with less – and this requires change. A change not only to the way work is done, but to the way, work is thought about. This sense of change must be embedded into the organization’s culture to be sustainable. Without this, we will simply return to old habits.